10 TV Shows Ruined By Their Own Popularity

4. Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks wrapped up twenty-two years ago and yet the very suggestion of a return to the Washington town gets everyone excited. Running for two seasons (and one prequel movie), the show was cancelled after ratings dipped, but as its popularity continues to grow, it's become increasingly apparent the cult show was just ahead of its time.

Originally motivated by the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer, the show quickly grew into something much bigger, probing into the evils just beneath the facade of small town America, both real and supernatural. Creator David Lynch hadn't been actually too fussed with the identity of the murderer, merely using the death of the town's Homecoming Queen as a springboard into a more interesting story. But audiences, and more importantly the network, were keen to see the mystery solved. And thus, seven episodes in the twenty-two long second season the killer was revealed as Laura's father, Leland, controlled by the malevolent force BOB.

Rather than sparking renewed interest in the show, the resolution to its central plot only led to decreasing audience numbers. It limped on for the rest of the season and ended on a cliffhanger that kinda works on its own, but would have been awesome to see expanded upon/resolved.

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The Simpsons
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.