10 TV Shows That Almost Had Much Better Endings

6. Cohle & Hart Vanish Into The Unknown - True Detective

Walt Breaking Bad

The Ending: After successfully hunting down a rampant serial killer, true detectives Cohle and Hart come together in a hospital to discuss the case as an injured Cohle - having felt a mysterious connection to his dead daughter during his final encounter with the killer - changes his cynical position and begins to have faith in the universe again.

The Alternative Ending: For those who thought that the ending to True Detective was too "happy" or "neat," how's this for an alternate? According to creator Nic Pizzolatto, he originally envisioned an ending of seriously crazy proportions:

"I even had an idea where something more mysterious happened to them, where they vanished into the unknown and Gilbough and Papania had to clean up the mess and nobody knows what happens to them. Or it could have gone full-blown supernatural.”

It certainly would have been very different and much more in tune with the weird nature of the series. Besides, everybody loves a truly "WTF?" ending.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.