10 TV Shows That Are Finally Ending

9. Riverdale

Billions TV
The CW

Riverdale fans have been half-joking for years that nobody wants the show to end more than the people starring in it, given both their regularly snide remarks about the series and the fact that most of the central cast members are now in their mid-20 and upwards, far from high school age.

When the currently-airing seventh season was confirmed by The CW to be Riverdale's last, many fans not-so-sarcastically exclaimed versions of "They're finally free!" on social media.

And while the show's inherent wackiness has kept many hate-watching it all the way to the finish, general interest in the teen drama series has long since fallen off a cliff, with season seven delivering its worst viewing figures to date.

Mainstream audiences have abandoned it and the principal cast is clearly ready to branch out and do other things, so now is the time to close Riverdale out - as if it wasn't a season or two ago.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.