10 TV Shows That Embarrassed Other Shows Released At The Same Time
1. Sherlock EMBARRASSED Elementary
The obsession with Arthur Conan-Doyle's most famous creation in the early 2010s can be traced back to Guy Ritchie's first Sherlock Holmes movie from 2009.
Whether directly or indirectly, this spawned a series of Holmes-related media in the years to come - most notably two popular TV shows across both sides of the Atlantic.
On the British side, you had Sherlock. Backed by the BBC, it starred Benedict Cumberbatch as the troubled detective and Martin Freeman as his long-suffering sidekick. Over the course of 90 minute long episodes, the two would solve modern day equivalents of some of Holmes' most famous cases.
As for the US, they got Elementary, which put British actor Johnny Lee Miller under the deerstalker. His companion was Lucy Liu, playing a female version of John Watson.
Whilst Sherlock was a set of mini-movies, intricately crafted and written, Elementary was just another police procedural masquerading as more than it actually was.
The British show felt like a real effort to bring these great tales into the 21st Century, whilst its American cousin came across as a greedy cash grab.
Despite having 140 episodes more than Sherlock, Elementary couldn't hold a candle to it.
Case closed.