10 TV Shows That Embarrassed Other Shows Released At The Same Time
3. 30 Rock EMBARRASSED Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip

Nobody is perfect, but few come closer to that mark than scriptwriting deity Aaron Sorkin.
The man behind The West Wing, The Social Network, The Trial of the Chicago 7, The Newsroom, and Moneyball is amongst one of the greatest and most respected writers in the game today.
And he got his backside served to him on a silver platter by Tina Fey.
Sorkin's show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is a look behind the scenes of a fictional Saturday Night Live-style comedy show. Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford star as the show's head writer and producer respectively, as they attempt to keep their programme on the air as the world falls apart around them.
This concept sound familiar? If not, then you've obviously never heard of 30 Rock.
Created by and starring Fey alongside the likes of Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, and Jack McBrayer, 30 Rock is also about the creation of a fictitious sketch show that draws heavily on SNL.
The only difference is that Fey's series ran for seven seasons whilst Sorkin's could only manage one.
Ha! Take your Oscar and shove it, Sorkin!
Sorry, got a bit carried away there.