10 TV Shows That Failed To Stick The Landing

4. Game Of Thrones

Dexter Ending

It was, most probably, always going to be divisive. To end one of the biggest TV spectacles ever made was a tall order; the odds of everyone liking it were slim. But for it to be this divisive was a shock. History will likely be kinder on the final season of the Westeros epic: it was rushed in places, sure, but it had some sensational moments, and the shift of pace was at times welcome after the often sluggish past few seasons. But the choices made in the ending will likely never be accepted by some of the show’s biggest fans.

Killing Daenerys was nothing if not bold, and while it’s unfortunate that one of the show’s few remaining strong female characters was put to the sword, it made dramatic sense. What followed, though? Well, it was about 45 minutes of admin, wasn’t it?

Leaving aside the parts that plain didn’t make sense (the North achieving the independence that two or three other areas desperately want, but apparently forgot to ask for, anyone?), it seemed the writing team chickened out at the last. This was a show known for killing off its leads at the drop of a hat, making bold decisions and embracing the brutality of this world - and they gave just about everyone a happy ending.

Game Of Thrones’ final run was an incredible lesson in losing good will. Fans overreacted, without a doubt, leaping to the internet as angry fans will do to demand they remake the series right away. But there’s no doubt they dropped the ball here. In trying to give the viewers what they wanted - more action, more dragons, more cool stuff for their favourite characters - they ended up with a mess that left few totally satisfied.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)