10 TV Shows That Flopped Their Final Season

1. Weeds

The Crown Season 6

There are still many fans of Showtime's dark comedy series Weeds who believe it reached its natural end-point when widowed weed dealer Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louisr Parker) burned down her neighbourhood in an attempt to cover her tracks at the end of season three.

But the show continued on for five more seasons after Nancy Segway'd herself out of Agrestic, and though Weeds absolutely had its moments for the remainder, by the time it reached season eight it was running on nothing but fumes.

The storytelling had become tiresomely convoluted and Nancy was now unlikeable to the point that many fans had resorted to only hate-watching the show to its conclusion out of a misplaced sense of obligation.

And yet, Weeds' final episode let Nancy off too lightly for her many transgressions over the years, ending the caustic black comedy show on an awkwardly gooey, sentimental note which rang rather false.

Weeds' creative juice ran dry numerous seasons before it finally ended, and season eight in particular was nothing but a fetid, desiccated husk of its prior glories.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.