10 TV Shows That Flopped Their Final Season

7. House of Cards

The Crown Season 6

Even accepting that House of Cards suffered a severe quality drop-off in its last few seasons, the sixth and final season was an unmitigated trainwreck. 

Now in fairness, the showrunners had a nightmare scenario to deal with after firing Kevin Spacey from the show in the wake of serious allegations against the actor, as it meant they lost their main character.

But at the very least, the show was already angling its focus more towards Robin Wright's President Claire Underwood, and so the sixth season could've solved this all by having Spacey's Frank Underwood die off-screen between seasons, jumping forward in time, and swiftly moving on with a new story.

Yet season six opted instead to willingly stand in the shadow of Spacey's departure for almost its entirety, constantly begging the audience to remember the void he left behind.

But worst of all, the show concluded with an absolute clanger of a series finale, resolving the season-long mystery of Frank's death in a fashion almost laughably clumsy, were it not such a sad indication of how far it had fallen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.