10 TV Shows That Just Got Cancelled

8. True Lies

Physical Rose Bryne

The moment that CBS announced they were adapting James Cameron's hit 1994 action comedy True Lies into a TV series, fans were skeptical that it'd be anything other than another me-too cash-in on a popular movie.

That the series also made the dubious decision to recast Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis' protagonists rather than come up with two new leads only further rubbed fans the wrong way.

Reviews were predictably mixed-to-negative from the jump, criticising the show for being a bland, personality-devoid retread of the hit movie, no matter the appeal of lead actress Ginger Gonzaga.

Despite enjoying a solid ratings debut, True Lies' viewing figures nosedived in the following weeks, enough that CBS cancelled the series before the season had even finished airing.

Ultimately there's a lesson here, and one which Hollywood surely won't pay much attention to - not everything needs to be a franchise. It's OK to just let movies be movies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.