10 TV Shows That Just Got Cancelled

4. The Problem With Jon Stewart

The Afterparty
Apple TV+

Current affairs talk show The Problem with Jon Stewart was launched by Apple with the intent for it to be a long-term production running many seasons, but its abrupt cancellation was recently announced due to ever-pesky "creative differences" between Stewart and Apple.

Despite the third season already being in pre-production, Apple reportedly canned the show after disagreeing with Stewart over potential guests and discussion topics.

According to Stewart, the streamer balked at proposed episodes based on China and artificial intelligence in particular, and so rather than be restricted on subject matter, he opted to walk away.

It's certainly a bad look for Apple, who have shown themselves here to be unreceptive to provocative, politically incisive content on their platform - especially from a talent as smart and entertaining as Stewart.

All the same, Stewart shouldn't struggle to find work elsewhere - namely, with a streamer that's a little less thin-skinned.

And if all else fails, The Daily Show is currently on the search for a permanent new host.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.