10 TV Shows That Just Made Huge Mistakes

5. Half-Assing The Random Episode Gimmick - Kaleidoscope

Yellowjackets Season 2

Netflix's heist drama series Kaleidoscope launched at the start of the year and was largely marketed on its intriguing presentational gimmick, that each of the show's eight colour-coded episodes would be presented to subscribers in random order.

The idea was basically that no two viewers would get the exact same viewing experience - an exciting idea albeit one which would require extremely finessed writing to ensure that every possible combination of episodes still made storytelling sense.

And so, it perhaps wasn't terribly surprising - though still disappointing - that Kaleidoscope's apparently "random" episode order was in fact much less random than advertised.

While it's fair enough that the final episode is fixed in place as it ties everything together, Netflix's claim that the series offered more than 5,000 possible combinations just isn't founded in reality.

Viewers and journalists alike reported a disappointing consistency in which episodes aired first, with the eight episodes seemingly being chunked into three distinct batches, ensuring it's very far from being truly random.

Evidently Netflix decided to influence the episode order because it would've been far more challenging from a creative standpoint to write seven episodes leading up to the finale which made sense when watched in any order.

All the same, that was the gimmick that made the show appeal to so many, and so for it to basically be a sham is undeniably disappointing. That it still hasn't been renewed for a second season might indicate that sentiment on a wider level.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.