10 TV Shows That Made Actors QUIT The Industry

6. Top Gear - Matt LeBlanc

Top Gear Matt LeBlanc

Since Friends wrapped up in 2014, Matt LeBlanc has acted sporadically in several other TV shows, such as the failed spin-off Joey, the hit comedy Episodes - for which he won a Golden Globe in 2012 - sitcom Man with a Plan, and a most unexpected stint as the co-host of Brit auto show Top Gear.

As far back as 2017, LeBlanc stated his desire to retire from acting in the near-future, and in 2019 decided to call it quits on Top Gear, citing the time commitment and extensive travel required to film the show taking him away from his family and friends.

Evidently Top Gear made LeBlanc realise what he values most, as beyond finishing up the final season of Man with a Plan, he hasn't appeared on our screens in any narrative entertainment for over two years.

Furthermore, LeBlanc has no projects currently in development, so while it's certainly possible we could see LeBlanc acting again in the future, without any outstanding commitments to ongoing shows, he seems to largely be sticking to his original intention to ease into retirement.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.