10 TV Shows That Made Fun Of Their Fans

9. Doctor Who Tells David Tennant Fans To Move On


There are few fandoms as passionate as Doctor Who, and while the series is usually never that meta, the writers have allowed themselves a few moments to poke fun at the viewers.

In particular there was this great one from the episode The Almost People from Season 6. Here, the 11th Doctor's "Ganger" counterpart is experiencing strange side effects, making him talk like prior versions of himself. He says "Would you like a Jelly Baby" in the voice of the fourth Doctor, and then "Hello, I'm the Doctor" in the voice of the 10th Doctor.

Immediately after speaking like David Tennant, he yells, "No, let it go! We've moved on!"

This is a clear reference to the group of fans obsessed with David Tennant's Doctor and convinced the show is nothing without him. Many of these people despised Matt Smith solely because of their attachment to Tennant. Here, showrunner Steven Moffat is having some fun with them, but also saying through the Doctor's voice that they need to accept that the show has moved on. 

In another episode there's the character of Osgood, who's obsessed with the Doctor and basically cosplays as him, resembling an average Doctor Who fan on their way to Comic Con. It's a nice, loving tribute to hardcore Whovians (except for the fact that she ends up getting horribly murdered).


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.