10 TV Shows That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

4. Buffy - Would You Give Up Your Friend To Save Your Town?

Dexter Questions
Mutant Enemy

Dollhouse creator/ MCU hero Joss Whedon’s beloved teen drama/ monster of the week hybrid wasn’t averse to putting viewers through the ringer, and some of the show’s darker episodes acted as a perfect training ground for the emotional work out that Whedon’s later works would be.

However, the most pointed moral choice that the show ever threw at the unsuspecting audience was one that the characters themselves faced down without having to actually make the call. When the gang finally acquired a supernatural McGuffin knows as the Box of Gavrok from the villainous Mayor Wilkins, Wilkins took team member Willow hostage in the aptly titled episode “Choices”.

The gang eventually decide they’ll forego destroying the box and instead trade it for her safe return, prompting Wesley to try destroying it anyway. Moral arbiter Oz, however, ends up breaking an urn which was needed to destroy the box, leaving everyone else’s part in the choice irrelevant.

Whilst Oz may have made things easy for the group, the audience is nonetheless left with a discomfiting uncertainty as we wonder what we would have done, and whether they’ve made the right call in the long term.

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