10 TV Shows That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

2. Prison Break - Your Brother, Your Freedom, Or The Love Of Your Life?

Dexter Questions

Never a show to do things by halves, a later season of Prison Break managed to amp up the tension by demanding that the hero, titular jailhouse architect/ Harry Houdini wannabe Michael Schofeld, choose between his potential freedom and his long-suffering love interest Sara. But the show soon twisted the knife by risking the life of his brother, too, with Michael ending up having to choose between Sara, his beloved big bro, and that fleeting shot at freedom.

Anyone who recalls the mid-noughts thriller series will know that said brother was Lincoln, the wrongfully accused man around whom the show’s eponymous prison break and entire subsequent globetrotting conspiracy unravelling centred. Our hero was forced to decide whether his family or the love who helped him escape prison was his first priority, all the while aware that he could abandon both to death and escape with the evidence that would condemn his captors and tormentors via a handy memory stick.

Of course Michael found a workaround, but the impossible choice was still one which lingered with viewers long after his implausible MacGyver-style plan worked out—who would you pick, if either?

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