10 TV Shows That Mock You For Paying Attention

4. The Dunder Mifflin Newsletter - The Office

Bones Homer Simpson

The American version of The Office is a masterpiece of setups and pay-offs, and also a show that both rewards and mocks those who pay attention to every last possible frame.

In the show's fourth ever episode, "The Alliance," we've given a brief glimpse of the Dunder Mifflin Employee Newsletter, which appears to feature a few paragraphs of the usual nondescript placeholder text you'd expect to see in any movie or TV newspaper.

But if you actually bother to read it, there's an hilarious, sarcastic surprise waiting for you in the second paragraph, which reads:

"As anybody can easily tell, this newsletter doesn't really have a lot to say. It's really just a prop to fill some space and sort of look like a newsletter without really being much of a newsletter at all. By typing a lot of words in two columns on the front of this page, we can achieve the look of a newsletter without really reporting much news or provide any real information to the reader at all.
In fact, at times we can probably get away with not using real English words, such as kjgowbiwiwpo, ovcviqvck, or the much beloved dfbiouvsulegphaelk. These words can also be strung together to form a sentence, paragraph or even a whole prop book, magazine or newspaper."



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.