10 TV Shows That Re-Used Props From Other Shows

8. The Self-Impersonating K9

married with children modern family
Channel 4/BBC

Sticking with Doctor Who, it was clear long before rebooting the series in 2005 that future showrunner Russell T Davies was a massive Whovian. A recurring thread in Davies's breakthrough series Queer As Folk featured Craig Kelly's Vince being a massive Doctor Who fan.

One important plotline involved Vince receiving a fully working replica of the Doctor's robot dog K9 for his birthday.

Of course, Red Production, the people behind Queer As Folk, could have sourced or even built a decent K9 replica. But that would be pretty costly. And, really, why bother when there already existed the perfect K9 just gathering dust somewhere: the real one from the classic Doctor Who series.

After writing a K9 replica into the show, Davies got the involvement of Mat Irvine, the visual effects designer from 1970s Doctor Who and builder of the original K9. Irvine brought an original K9 prop to the production and, as he had on classic Doctor Who, operated it himself.

Essentially, then, what we had was the robot dog equivalent of that bit in Ocean's Twelve where Julia Roberts plays a woman pretending to be Julia Roberts: the original performer cast to play their own imposter.


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