10 TV Shows That Recast Major Characters (For The Better)

7. James Kent - True Blood

Red Dwarf Kryten

Jessica's (Deborah Ann Woll) smouldering vampire boyfriend James Kent was introduced in True Blood's sixth season, as played by the dreamy Luke Grimes.

But ahead of season seven, HBO made the surprise announcement that Grimes had been replaced with Nathan Parsons due to "the creative direction of the character."

Reports then emerged that Grimes may have quit the part due to the character's eventual gay romance with Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis), reports which Grimes himself later denied.

Nevertheless, Parsons was an incredibly effective recast, bearing a strong physical resemblance to Grimes and ultimately just evoking that dishy, mysterious vampire vibe a little more confidently than his predecessor.

Again, Grimes hardly sucked (sorry) in the role, but Parsons totally committed to James' aforementioned arc in the show's final season, and was able to absolutely make the part his own.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.