10 TV Shows That RECOVERED From Jumping The Shark

3. Roseanne

Roseanne Barr John Goodman

Roseanne is one of the most iconic TV sitcoms of all time, yet derailed most audience goodwill in the ninth and final season of its original run, by having everyone's favourite working class family win the lottery.

A season's worth of wacky, uncharacteristic escapades followed, before the series finale revealed that it was all a figment of Roseanne's (Roseanne Barr) imagination, and her hubby Dan (John Goodman) had actually died of a heart attack.

It was an ending so head-smackingly awful it soured many fans on the show entirely, at least until Roseanne was resurrected for a surprisingly entertaining revival last year, which smartly ret-conned Dan's death and was in turn a shocking return to form.

Though a planned eleventh season was derailed by Barr's racist Twitter remarks, resulting in her being awkwardly killed off in the subsequent spin-off series The Conners, on a creative level the show is still back to something approaching the quality of its better seasons, Roseanne or no.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.