10 TV Shows That Shot Themselves In The Foot

9. A Difficult Second Season (That Shouldn't Have Happened) - 13 Reasons Why

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13 Reasons Why's first season had the world talking due to its intense subject matter but, no matter where you stand on whether it should have been made into a series or not, it's hard to deny that it was a compelling adaptation of Jay Asher's novel, highlighting the life and death of Hannah Baker. However, instead of letting that initial season linger in people's minds and start the conversations that the showrunners clearly hoped it would, Netflix decided that its popularity was enough cause for renewal.

Without any source material to go on or, heck, even its central character, 13 Reasons Why quickly descended into a tropey misguided attempt to rehash a story it already told, forsaking its original narrative to instead become a slightly maturer version of Riverdale. And while its third season was a massive improvement over that messy second, the-powers-that-be have completely lost sight of what the show once was.

This show could have been a conversation-starter (and it was there for a while), but instead it became just another tropey YA drama carried only by an incredible cast.

Again, here we have a case of when the series' popularity outweighs the logic of whether it should go on or not, but it's certainly not the first show to fall victim to this... something we'll see as this list goes on.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.