10 TV Shows That Shot Themselves In The Foot

7. The Muddled Trailer - Batwoman

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Unlike the rest of the shows on this list, Batwoman wasn't hindered by anything that the show itself did, more so by its own promotion. Yup, long before the show hit screens, Ruby Rose's Dark Knight was riding high after a very well-received debut in the Arrowverse's Elseworlds crossover that shattered expectations, nailing the character in just about every way imaginable. And then they only went and released a trailer for the show that did the complete opposite.

Gone was the character's Gothic and triumphant theme - which was more than worthy of a member of DC's royal Bat-Family - and in its place was a generic pop song, while the questionable snippets of dialogue didn't do the pilot episode any justice whatsoever. And the particularly irksome 'I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work' line worked completely against it because, as so many fans (women and men alike) pointed out, she literally stole Batman's costume, armory and identity.

A trailer that completely misunderstood the appeal of Batwoman from beginning to end, it was a complete injustice to everyone who had worked on the show because it led to a ton of criticism before the pilot even aired and has resulted in it becoming the least-watched of the Arrowverse shows incredibly early into its run. And it's a damn shame because the show itself is actually really good and far better than this trailer ever suggested.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.