10 TV Shows That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

1. Toning Down The Rose's Bitterness After Season 1 - Schitt's Creek

Lost Jack

If you recommend Schitt's Creek to any of your friends, there's a good chance you'll accompany it with the caveat, "It gets so much better after the first season."

And it's absolutely true - the riches-to-rags sitcom had some major growing pains in its uneven first volume, with many critics and viewers alike complaining that the Rose family were just too obnoxious and unlikeable for their own good.

Though the Roses were supposed to be privileged, out-of-touch a**holes to a point, the show still needed to tease out their inner humanity in small ways to convince audiences to keep watching them every week.

By season two, it became clear that creator-stars Eugene Levy and Daniel Levy had a much firmer handle on the show's tone and the personalities of the Rose family, ensuring they retained their defining traits albeit without being quite so acerbic and offputting.

Over the course of the remaining seasons, viewers fell head-over-heels for the Roses as they drifted further and further from caricatures into well-developed human beings who actually grew.

In one of the all-time great glow-up stories for a sitcom, Schitt's Creek's final season ended up performing a record-setting sweep of the Emmys.

Yet had the Levys stuck to their original vibe for that wonky first season, it's easy to imagine the show getting the chop relatively quickly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.