10 TV Shows That Were Spoiled By Romantic Couples

3. Game Of Thrones - Jaime Lannister And Cersei Lannister

Game of Thrones Cersei Jaime Lannister

So, these two are twin brother and sister. Really, the entry could end here and that would be more than enough to justify its inclusion, but I'll go on.

Even if they weren't as closely related by blood as a man and woman can get, their relationship would still be filled with toxicity. For all the bad behavior taking place on the show based on the series of books that began with A Song of Ice and Fire, these two arguably bring out the absolute worst in each other.

That's probably to be expected, given that they each decided to go for their sibling. Even as Jaime became more of honorable man, Cersei would berate him for it, because she liked him better as an awful person.

On the subject of awful people, it was from them that Joffrey came forth, probably one of the most despised characters in television history. Even after the character's death, viewers were met with a hugely controversial sequence between Jaime and Cersei in his tomb.

There's just so much about this couple that's so wrong and the amount of discomfort it can make a viewer feel can really detract from enjoying what can be otherwise quality television.


I like to think I'm a clever person, but apparently I'm not clever enough to come up with a witty biography.