10 TV Shows That Would Have Been Better On HBO

5. Twin Peaks

While we are most likely going to get to see Twin Peaks as presented by Showtime, it's hard to not be a little bitter that the cult classic series wasn't off network television from the start. HBO has long been a pretty friendly network for visionary creators and Twin Peaks suffered greatly from CBS's decision to give David Lynch less control over the second season. It's unlikely that HBO would have made such a choice after seeing the brilliance the man produced in the first season. More importantly, a move to HBO would have allowed Twin Peaks to amp up its levels of sex.

Twin Peaks was an inherently sexually driven show that was forced to limit itself to pillow talks and nighties. David Lynch has proven to be a director with a lot of interesting things to say when he has that particular tool at his disposal, and his television masterpiece may have been even better if he had his full kit to work with.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.