10 TV Shows Which Didn't Get Better With Age

4. Heroes

Season 1 of Heroes is a tremendous piece of entertainment. Thirteen years on and its acting, writing, effects, pacing and atmosphere remain a masterclass in how to make great TV. Full of mystery, it ended on a high note with the main characters coming together for an epic showdown at Kirby Plaza and that was that.

The series never so much as breathed in this direction of quality again. Many blame the writers' strike at the time of Season 2 for its lowered entertainment value. While a valid point (the season is half as long due to the strike halting production), the cold hard fact is the storytelling had gone downhill from the first episode back.

An unnecessary time jump and the decision to nerf the overpowered Peter, Sylar and Hiro characters in different ways cut the show's thrill factor in half. By Season 3, retcons were being thrown at the wall to no avail. Storylines meandering, once likeable characters becoming obnoxious, and the existence of way too many cast members all contributed to a once thrilling product becoming nigh unwatchable. The series would slump its way to a Season 4 cancellation.

2015's Heroes Reborn did little to restore the show's moment in the sun, with many fans confused as to whether it was a direct continuation or a complete reboot.

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