10 TV Shows Which Insult Your Intelligence

6. Pretty Little Liars

Riverdale Jughead Aliens
Warner Bros.

Who doesn’t love a show with a mystery at its core? Fans of Pretty Little Liars sure did! 

The show, which originally ran between 2010 and 2017, centred on a group of friends and their attempts to uncover the identity of “A”, a secretive blackmailer who was threatening them from the shadows. 

The character was first revealed to be Mona Vanderwaal during the second season, only for a new A to take up the mantle the following year. Their reveal would come in season six, when CeCe Drake was unmasked in a move that split the fanbase right down the middle. 

CeCe’s motivations never felt right, like the show had decided that she was the best choice for A because it would be the most surprising pick, not because it made sense. Things only got worse when CeCe announced she was transgender and had previously gone under the name Charles, which felt like another twist for the sake of a twist and ended up conforming to unfortunate storytelling tropes in the process.

This once popular character was ruined in an instance and many fans were completely taken out of the show as a result.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.