10 TV Shows With No Redeemable Characters

8. Entourage

succession HBO

In theory, the characters of Entourage shouldn’t be irredeemable. Indeed, the whole point of Entourage was to create wish fulfilment telly: tune in every week to watch rising Hollywood star Vinnie Chase and crew traverse the highs and lows of the movie biz and the madcap characters within.

For a while, it worked. But then, it became amazingly repetitive and downright grim watching these four idiots get everything they wanted week after week, with no peril, no drama, no consequence, no growth.

Vincent was a bland lead, but his titular entourage comprised three of the men you’d least like to share company with. Manager Eric was whiny, hotheaded, and stupid. Driver Turtle was a greedy, barely believable letch. And brother Johnny Drama, while played with genuine skill by Kevin Dillon, was plain gross.

And then there’s agent Ari Gold, the show’s breakout character, whose dialogue is 75% racist, homophobic, and misogynistic slurs. That floated the boats of many viewers, but what felt like close to the bone banter then feels deeply dated not 10 years later. This once-aspirational show turned deeply depressing by the end.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)