10 Unforgettable Breaking Bad Moments

7. The One Who Knocks (Season 4, Episode 6)

Possibly one of the most iconic exchanges of dialogue in the series, this scene was arguably among Walt's most important turning points as a character. Until this moment, Breaking Bad had been the story of Walt's almost-methodical and gradual slide into moral darkness; from this moment onward, though, it's clear he's running like a lunatic into depravity. "Let me clue you in. I am the danger, Skyler. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks" -- with these lines, Walt effectively completes his transformation into Heisenberg.

Miles Young is a freelance writer who specializes in tech, sports and pop-culture. When he's not busy finishing up his next article, he's walking his dog or catching up on Game of Thrones.