10 Unnecessary Doctor Who Details You Need To Know

7. Ace’s Musical Outfit (The Power Of The Doctor)

Doctor Who David Tennant bank note The Runaway Bride
BBC Studios

For fans of late '80s Doctor Who, the return of Ace in The Power of the Doctor was a super exciting prospect.

Thankfully, the episode didn’t disappoint, with Sophie Aldred once again battling Daleks and appearing alongside Sylvester McCoy, all while wearing her iconic bomber jacket – just like old times!

However, as exciting as it was to see this piece of clothing make a comeback, there were also cool details to be found in Ace’s other costume too.

Specifically, take note of the three pins on her lapel: some silver and red quavers (the music note, not the crisps), and a gold trumpet. These were deliberately chosen to evoke the jazz-themed t-shirt worn by Ace in her second story, Remembrance of the Daleks.

Doctor Who Remembrance of the Daleks Ace Seventh Doctor
BBC Studios

Ace has always used costume as a means of expressing herself, and her pins have always had some special significance – be it to the character, or to Aldred herself (famously, Ace’s Blue Peter badges were Aldred’s own).

So it’s fitting that, even in more ordinary attire, she was still able to incorporate a little personal touch.


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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!