10 Upcoming TV Seasons That Are Already Doomed

7. Severance (Season 2)

The Witcher Henry Cavill
Apple TV+

The first season of Apple's sci-fi show Severance was such a startling, confident breath of fresh air that there was every reason to believe season two would be the smoothest of smooth sailing.

And yet, reports emerged earlier this year that filming on the second season was hampered by a creative fallout between showrunners Dan Erickson and Mark Friedman, resulting in an allegedly "toxic" work environment.

These issues apparently began during production of season one, and though Friedman initially intended to walk away before the second season, EP/director Ben Stiller convinced him to stay.

The report also notes that the issues have caused the show's already substantial per-episode budget to increase, resulting in Apple bringing House of Cards creator Beau Williamson onboard to help right the ship.

Though Apple and Stiller understandably refuted the reports, that doesn't mean they aren't true.

Furthermore, season two didn't complete filming before the strikes began, and so considering that the show's first season finished airing in April 2022, there could potentially be upwards of two years between seasons.

For a "water cooler" series like this, that large gap could end up being the kiss of death, even without considering the impact that behind-the-scenes issues may have had on season two's creative direction.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.