10 US Office Episodes Every Dwight Schrute Fan Should (Re-)Watch

1. A.A.R.M (Season 9, Episode 22 & 23)

Dwight Schrute The Office

The final season is often considered to be one of the weakest overall, but the last few episodes are some of the best, especially for the new manager. After David Wallace buys the company, Dwight is, amazingly, promoted again to regional manager- but this time it’s for keeps. In A.A.R.M.

Dwight and his new assistant to the regional manager Jim are an unstoppable force of no-nonsense authority. The dynamic between the once enemies is as ridiculous as we have come to expect, but seeing them work on the same side is the key to this episode’s brilliance. Jim persuades Dwight to organise trials to appoint an assistant to the assistant to the regional manager, secretly knowing that Dwight will end up choosing himself. And, of course, this is exactly what happens. But as the series draws to its finale, the dynamic duo have their love-lives to attend to, resulting in Jim giving Dwight some touching advice on following his heart in a scene that’s a bit of a tear-jerker.

So follow his heart he does, declaring his love for Angela in the only way Dwight can: pulling her over at the side of the road and shouting at her through a megaphone. A.A.R.M. is Dwight firing on all cylinders. The absurdity of being the assistant to his own assistant is the icing on the cake as we experience an emotional rollercoaster as the story of Dwight K. Schrute reaches its climax. In this episode he truly is of the highest kind, quality, and order; supreme.


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