10 Ways Breaking Bad Could Continue

10. ASAC Schrader

Perhaps the least likely candidate, considering Dean Norris' reluctance to even appear in the Saul spin-off, but still an interesting one to consider. As Norris has claimed that he isn't usually one to revisit something he has already done, it appears like this one may be an impossibility, but as they say; money talks. Dean Norris' Hank Schrader was a fantastic character, and his ultimate fate of being murdered in the desert by Jack Welker was a dirty, brutal reminder of the real stakes at play in the final episodes. So while a continuation of Hank as the ASAC within the DEA is absolutely impossible, it would be very interesting to go back in time to see Hank's humble beginnings in the other parts of the police force. It might stray too far into the procedural realm than most fans would care for, but it's difficult to deny the raw charm of Dean Norris as an actor, and the exciting possibility of seeing Mr. Schrader one more time.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.