10 Ways Modern Family Is Not Like Modern Families

9. Most Gay People Are Not Like That

Throughout the show, gay people are presented as walking stereotypes. The closest thing to an average-Joe gay man in the show is Mitchell, and even he is obsessed with interior design and fashion. Just about every gay character in the show has a prominent 'Gay Lisp' . They're great characters that truly get fleshed out in the course of the show, but sometimes it feels as if the initial character design was lifted straight from a textbook of stereotypes. Gay stereotypes are just that though, stereotypes. There's just as much variety amongst gay people as there are heterosexual. Close to 80% of people were unable to guess someone's sexual orientation when asked. Whilst the most visible gay men are often those who superficially meet the stereotype, those do not represent the majority of people in the LGBT community.

Currently living the dream by studying in Wales and writing articles about the things I love for beer money. My proudest achievements are teaching myself Accordion and getting my head round the off-side rule.