10 Ways The Office Went From Great To Terrible

6. No More Michael Scott

The Office Jim Dwight

Put simply Steve Carell was the glue that held the show together. While there are some fantastic characters from hopeless sidekick Dwight to the loveable duo of Jim and Pam, Carell's presence and gravitas tied the show together.

The announcement that Michael Scott would be leaving at the end of season 7 but the show would go on without its lead was shocking because in the eyes of many Carell was the show. When season 8 aired it became apparent that it was missing its key ingredient without his comic timing and generosity as a performer the show went very rapidly downhill.

The show never really recovered once he left and it really showed how irreplaceable Carell was when attempts were made to replace him temporarily with Will Ferrell and long term with Ed Helms' Andy and James Spader's Robert California to little success. Even when he was briefly brought back in the season 9 finale (for three lines, if that) it never really felt like Michael Scott had truly returned. You never know how much you miss someone until they've gone...

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The Office
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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).