10 Ways The Office Went From Great To Terrible

4. Andy Bernard's Inconsistent Character

The Office Jim Dwight

Andy Bernard, played by Ed Helms, has had without doubt the biggest character development since his debut in season 3 till the season 9 finale. While it has been rewarding to see this growth it was fairly disappointing watching his character end the way he did.

Upon his introduction in season 3 Andy manages to give Dwight a run for his money as an irritating presence in the office but unlike Rainn Wilson failed to do so in an endearing way. His redemption truly comes after his breakdown where he smashes his fist through a wall but comes back as a reformed character post anger management rehab.

The Nard Dog was truly able to shine in the subsequent few seasons as a dorky musical enthusiast with glimpses of the repressed anger behind his upbeat attitude. However, when Michael Scott left the bizarre choice was made to promote Andy to Regional Manager where he regressed into the unlikeable figure he started off as in season 3. Whether it was constantly being horrible to Catherine Tate's Nellie (even refusing to vouch for her when she applied to adopt a child), neglecting his then girlfriend Erin or later attempting to break up Pete and Erin, he managed to reject any goodwill he had gained from the audience over the last few seasons.

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The Office
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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).