10 Ways The Orville Is More Star Trek Than Discovery

3. They Share A Sense Of Humour

The Orville Star Trek Discovery

Ever since The Original Series, Star Trek has always had a sense of humour. Jokes between characters or just for the audience can be found throughout Star Trek’s episode library. Who could forget Worf playing baseball, or Data learning standup, or the affectionate teasing that took place between Spock and McCoy?

That thread of humour is part of what makes The Orville feel so much like a Star Trek show, and the complete lack of humour or laughter, or smiles really is why Discovery feels so out of place.

If characters on Discovery have any humour at all, it has yet to show itself. It has a First Officer whose main deal is that he literally always feels the encroachment of danger and death. Somehow that’s just a little bit more intense than insisting you play your trombone every time there’s a get together (I’m looking at you, Riker).


JP is a freelancer with many deeply nerdy pastimes that include: WWE, Dungeons & Dragons, nerdy TV shows, writing about all of those things on the internet.