10 Ways To Make A Great Star Trek TV Show

3. No More Malfunctioning Holodeck Episodes...

Some people would say no more time-travel ones either; however, time-travel really doesn't get old (no pun intended) in my opinion and this Star Trek we're talking about. We need at least some consistant conventions through the series. This one is pretty self-explanatory, those episodes where the plot generator Holodeck breaks and the crew battle -insert here- to fix it before it's too late. It has been done to death, let's all bury it once and for all. This is more of a case being made for this show to go in completely different directions than its predecessors than a real problem with broken holodeck episodes; nonetheless, no more!
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog