10 Weird Early Versions Of TV Characters You Totally Forgot About

7. Soothsayer/Amy Pond - Doctor Who


While die-hard Doctor Who fans might have been aware of Capaldi, what hardly ever comes up is Karen Gillan’s multiple parts. She played The Eleventh’s assistant Amy Pond, and in the very same episode as Caecilius, played the Soothsayer.

It’s easy to argue this is just her playing two different characters. However, theorists bent over backwards to justify Capaldi’s multiple roles, and fellow assistant Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) also had an in-canon ancestor appear before her assistant character made her debut, so there’s form here.

Amy Pond has a strong connection to Roman imagery through Rory, and the fact she appeared with Caecilius opens the door for speculation too.

It doesn’t seem like this was planned, and for a couple of reasons nobody seems to have asked questions.

When she appeared as Amy Pond, Gillan still wasn’t a big name, so nobody bothered about the fact she’d been in it previously. After her successful run on the show, and starring roles in Guardians Of The Galaxy and Jumanji, she’s a much bigger star.

She’d left the show before Capaldi arrived too, so there was no need for speculation at first, and when there was all eyes were on The Doctor himself.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)