10 Weirdest Reasons Popular TV Shows Were Cancelled

8. Batman - The Sets Were Destroyed

Batman 1966

One of the more annoying stories on this list, there's no denying just how odd Batman's cancellation was. Despite being a hit - one that remains in the pop-culture memory half a century after it ended, the campy TV version of Batman actually only ran for three seasons and two years (though it did rack up a hefty 120 episodes in that short time).

With such a production overdrive, Bat-mania was perhaps destined to be short lived, and the third season did see a decline in ratings and audience interest, resulting in ABC canning the series. Still, it was a hot property and the creatives shopped the show around, entering discussions with NBC to save the series.

The issue was though, wasting no time after its cancellation, ABC actually had the sets destroyed to make room for other productions. Facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills to get these recreated and the show back up and running, NBC scoffed at the cost and passed on saving it, cutting off Batman's last lifeline.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3