10 Woeful Characters Who Ruined Awesome TV Shows

3. Dawn Summers - Buffy The Vampire Slayer The only thing more annoying than a little sister, is a mystical little sister created by a secret order of monks as a key to unlock another dimension. Premiered in season 5, Dawn Summers was immediately accepted as having always been in Buffy's life without any initial questions of how she got there or what the heck her real purpose was outside of being a secret mystical key. Though integral for the story arc of the season, fans found themselves bewildered and frustrated with her rather constant need to be around Buffy and eying of Xander. Dawn acts like an out of control teenager with self harm, kleptomania, and running away as the show's seasons progress. While her role made no logical sense after the fifth season, she was kept around to keep a deep emotional relationship for Buffy that was not romantic. Dawn continues to exist in the pages of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic from Darkhorse Press.

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Victoria Irwin is the Senior Correspondent and Resident Whovian for Fanboynation.com. She also contributes heavily to GamingIllustrated.com and enjoys video games, comics and more Doctor Who than is healthy.