10 Worst Anime Adaptations

5. Black Clover

Tokyo Ghoul

If you ask any Black Clover fan what their favorite thing about the manga is, they will tell you a lot of different things, but one universally agreed upon positive (even by me who is NOT a fan of Black Clover by any stretch) is the pacing. The pacing of the manga hits that perfect little sweet spot between being too slow and being too fast. You know who everyone is, what their motivations are, and everything else so quickly yet so concisely, that you almost don't care how stock the setup to everything is because it gets it all out of the way so fast.

And then there's the anime.

The pacing issues with this adaptation are evident from practically minute one, and they only get more noticeable when you actually start getting through episodes. What the manga does in 2-3 chapters, the anime takes 10 episodes, and you WISH that was an exaggeration.

From these pacing issues, everything else that makes it a terrible adaptation branch out. The characters repeat the same expository information at least 4 times, the main character won't shut up, the world comes off as uninteresting at best, cartoonishly cruel at worst etc.

While the manga is a bit of an acquired taste if you're a shonen aficionado like me, the appeal is still evident. The anime, on the other hand? Yeah, no.

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Tokyo Ghoul
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?