10 Worst Dexter Episodes

7. A Little Reflection

Dexter Monkey In A Box

A veteran Dexter takes a young, promising psychopath under his wing. Sort of like Rocky Balboa and Adonis Creed sans the character development, dramatic depth, emotional intensity and everything else fans liked about those films.

While Dexter taking up a Harry Morgan-esque role sounds good in theory, it proves to be disappointingly half-baked in practise. Zach Hamilton, a rich kid with a fondness for crime scene photography, is Dr Vogel's latest psychopathic project. For Dexter, he's initially a fresh target.

Bar an amusing scene with Quinn (who very conveniently forgets his earlier suspicions of Dexter in these late instalments), Dexter's hunt is neat and tidy as is so much of the relatively risk-free storytelling at this stage in the game. Sympathising with Zach's surprising honesty about his need to kill, Dexter agrees to become his mentor and everything seems surprisingly happy as the episode reaches its close.

The cliffhanger this meandering episode rounds off on is either wonderful or change-the-channel worthy dependent on one's opinion of the Hannah McKay character. Enjoying some down time with Deb as the writers struggle to decide on any one direction for the Morgans' dynamic, Dexter realises they've both been poisoned.

Hannah, not in prison for life after all, is back and has decided to sedate the adoptive siblings for... reasons. There's some intrigue as the credits roll in knowing what's become of them. Despite that, Hannah's return felt like a needless inclusion in an already stuffed and creatively struggling season.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.