10 Worst Dexter Episodes

5. Nebraska

Dexter Monkey In A Box

On paper, this sounds like a thrilling, potentially game-changing instalment of the series.

Brian Moser, The Ice Truck Killer, the Mycroft to Dexter's Sherlock, is back in action. Not back from the dead of course but back all the same, taking Harry's place as Dexter's trusty imaginary friend. There were hints of a full-on Dexter heel turn here: would he let go of Harry's code and fully embrace his Dark Passenger?

The two go on a road trip to investigate the unfortunate deaths of Arthur Mitchell's wife (or widow, as only Dexter and the audience know at this point) and daughter. The Trinity Killer is often regarded as the finest villain in the series thanks to John Lithgow's impeccable performance and some deeply disturbing plot twists surrounding him. This epilogue for what's left of the Mitchell family ultimately falls flat though.

Arthur's wife, who seemed as much a victim of his torment as the kids, is repackaged as an abusive parent in her own right here, driving her daughter to suicide. In turn, her son Jonah kills her in a fit of rage. It's all rather depressing and, worse still, pointless in the grand scheme of season 6's strange, religion-focused plot.

Subplots involving a weed farm and Dexter hooking up at a gas station further lessen this once-promising episode's value. Ultimately it's a disappointing affair that does a disservice to several interesting characters and story arcs from better, earlier seasons of the show.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.