10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

9. Yesteryear - The Animated Series

star trek zero consequences

The Animated Series revisited a lot of ideas from The Original Series, one of which was the Guardian of Forever, the sentient portal from the episode The City On The Edge Of Forever that can send people to any time period of any place in the universe. With powers like this anything could be possible, but the episode Yesteryear chose to tell a story about Spock saving his younger self from some random monster in the Vulcan desert.

Yesteryear was the first time we saw how Spock was bullied by other Vulcans growing up for being half-Human (a plot point that came up later in the 2009 Star Trek film). This was interesting, but could've been explained through a simple flashback or line of dialogue.

This episode was honestly such a waste of the Guardian of Forever, one of the most interesting characters from The Original Series. Beyond that, the plot makes no sense. If Spock died as a child because of their previous trip through the portal, then why was the older Spock still alive to correct the timeline?

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.