10 Worst Things Captain Kirk Has Ever Done

7. Ditching His Son

Captain Kirk Screaming Murderer
Paramount Pictures

For a serial ladies’ man such as James T Kirk, it was only going to be a matter of time before he sired a child. Unfortunately, rather than creating some kind of weird half-alien creature, he ended up with a boring old human son called David.

David’s mother had essentially cut Kirk out of the boy’s life, on account of his decorated dad’s insatiable wanderlust (and normal lust), not to mention his rampant careerism. Kirk is arguably a wronged party here, but it never seems that he makes much of an effort to get in contact with his estranged son - indeed, his sole heir’s very existence doesn’t play on his mind at all. He eventually manages to win around his understandably unimpressed offspring, and everything goes well for about half a film, before David manages to get himself stabbed dead by a Klingon.

To recap, then: Kirk abandoned his baby, cast him out of his mind for nigh on 30 years, made a cursory effort to get to know him, then allowed his son to get killed in an effort to impress the old man. That’s just bad dadding.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)