10 Worst Things FOX Did To The Simpsons

1. Retiring Apu

Apu The Simpsons

Bit of a tricky one this. Apu hasn’t been officially retired, but he’s not had any significant role in the show since the controversy around him began either. Considering he was vying with Burns, Moe, Wiggum & Skinner for biggest character after the Simpsons themselves, he’s left quite a void.

First off, the fact he’s an Indian with a stereotypical accent voiced by a white guy (Hank Azaria) is the sort of thing you’d see described as problematic. In context though, this becomes less controversial. Or at least, it should.

Everyone in the show is stereotyped, with Luigi, Cletus, Willie and even Homer in that bracket. Importantly, accent aside, there’s no punching down at all with Apu. The Simpsons make referential jokes whenever another country comes up, but it never comes across as mean or spiteful on Apu. There’s also the fact he’s actually a great role model; business owner, good father, good husband.

He does cheat on Manjula, but he feels deep remorse and tries to win her back, though their relationship is changed afterwards. He’s a pretty realistic and developed character, essentially.

However, The Simpsons have handled it extremely poorly. First, using Lisa as a clumsy mouthpiece, then outright defending Apu while cutting him from the show.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)