10 Worst Things Krusty The Clown Has Ever Done

9. He Sold Shoddy, Life-Endangering Merchandise

The Simpsons Krusty Bart

Episode: "'Round Springfield" (Season 6, Episode 22)

The show has proven time and time again that Krusty is a shameless shill who will blindly lend his "seal of approval" to any branded product no matter how tawdry.

This comes home to roost in spectacular fashion when Bart eats a bowl of Krusty-O cereal, only to swallow the prize in the box, which just so happens to be a jagged metal Krusty-O, causing him great intestinal discomfort.

Hilariously, Krusty holds a press conference to prove that the metal Krusty-O isn't dangerous by eating one, only to start gagging and quickly be informed that he was actually eating a regular Krusty-O.

Bart ends up getting a $100,000 settlement, the majority of which is pocketed by his attorney Lionel Hutz, before the new Krusty-O prize is revealed to be...flesh-eating bacteria.

Throughout The Simpsons, Krusty has been shown to whore himself relentlessly with badly-made products, including pregnancy tests with birth defect-inducing properties, which were eventually re-purposed as coffee stirrers for the Philippines market.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.