10 Worst Things Sons Of Anarchy Have Ever Done
Brotherly betrayal and motherly murder.

There is no shortage of TV shows that follow a less than virtuous protagonist. From Walter White, to Bojack Horseman, the Peaky Blinders, and Dexter Morgan, there is something compelling about rooting for a damaged, flawed, and imperfect character. In the case of some, this stretches far enough to cover outright criminals.
The Sons of Anarchy certainly fall into the category of the latter. Of course they are the protagonists of the show named for their motorcycle club, but make no mistake, they are outlaws operating on the wrong side of what is good. By all logic and reason, they should be seen as the bad guys.
The Sons, who proudly boasted their mugshots on the wall of their clubhouse, had no problem furthering the spread of illegal guns along the west coast, transporting cocaine for a drug cartel, and straight up killing people. These things were simply second nature to the club.
Everyone loves the rebel with the heart of gold angle, but SAMCRO took this way too far on more than one occasion, committing many heinous acts, too many of which should be considered unforgivable.
10. Running Guns

From the very beginning of the show, the Sons of Anarchy made their living moving illegal guns throughout Northern California for the Real IRA out of Northern Ireland. Helped by several of their other charters, this made up the majority of SAMCRO's income in the early seasons.
From the Mayans to the Niners, the Grim Bastards, and eventually Romeo and the Galindo cartel, just about everyone got their guns from the Sons.
It's something that JT tried to get the club out of when he was still alive. Jax ultimately carried on working toward this goal, eventually freeing the club of such criminal activity, but not before too much damage was done. They became so deeply entwined in the business that when they finally did make the move away from guns, the entire balance of the gangs of Northern California fell to pieces.
Toward the start of the series, these very guns were used to shoot down several police officers, and in season six, Matthew Jennings took the gun the club gave to Arcadio and killed four school children. A lot of blood was spilled thanks to the guns moved by the MC.