10 Worst Things The Friends Gang Have Ever Done To Each Other

1. Ross Slept With The Copy Girl

joey's sisters

"We were on a break!" It is the most iconic line from the entire series, and is synonymous with the whole Ross and Rachel arc that stretches from episode one all the way to the final episode of season 10.

After years of trying, the couple had finally got together, only to be held back somewhat by the insane jealousy Ross harbored for Rachel's career and her friend Mark. This all finally came to head in an argument where Rachel suggested they take a break. Literally that night, Ross, in his grief, goes to a bar with Joey, Chandler, and Chloe from the copy place, and ends up spending the night with her.

While Ross is out cheating, Rachel doesn't stop thinking about him. She decides that she still loves him and doesn't want to break up with him. But the damage is already done, and Ross has already made the mistake that would ruin his relationship.

The argument goes on for years and years between the two, and though they ultimately end up together, this hurts Rachel like nothing ever before or since.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.