10 Worst Things The Friends Gang Have Ever Done To Each Other

8. Phoebe Mugged Ross

joey's sisters

While Ross, Monica, Chandler, and Rachel's relationships go back years to school and college, Joey and Phoebe joined the group later in life. Before meeting the rest of the gang, Phoebe's life was not easy. Her mom died when she was young, and she spent a lot of her days living on the streets.

This forced Pheebs to become tough, and she actually had to resort to theft and mugging people to survive. In the ninth season, it is shockingly revealed that the huge, scary dude that mugged Ross when he was younger was none other than Phoebe Buffay.

Obviously, this is a horrible thing to happen to Ross, and a horrible thing for Phoebe to do, but in her defence at the time she didn't know Ross. It is just a huge coincidence that they have become such close friends years later.

Again, this would eventually have a happy ending as Phoebe kept hold of Science Boy, the comic book Ross created that was in the backpack she took from him. It turns out Pheebs learned a lot from the titular hero, which in turn meant a lot to Ross.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.